Modern House Spain

Modern House Spain

Modern House Spain

Project Type

B2B Real Estate


April 2022 - February 2023


Website Design & No Code dev


UI/UX Designer & Webflow Dev


Due to my nondisclosure agreement (NDA), I'm unable to divulge specific details, thus, here's a concise overview of my responsibilities at Modern House Spain


Modern House Spain is a real estate company specializing in contemporary properties in Costa Blanca. The goal was to create a dynamic web platform that not only showcases their unique property portfolio but also facilitates collaboration with real estate agents to promote these properties.

Project Type

B2B Real Estate


April 2022 - February 2023


Website Design & No Code dev


UI/UX Designer & Webflow Dev


Due to my nondisclosure agreement (NDA), I'm unable to divulge specific details, thus, here's a concise overview of my responsibilities at Modern House Spain


Modern House Spain is a real estate company specializing in contemporary properties in Costa Blanca. The goal was to create a dynamic web platform that not only showcases their unique property portfolio but also facilitates collaboration with real estate agents to promote these properties.

Project Type

B2B Real Estate


April 2022 - February 2023


Website Design & No Code dev


UI/UX Designer & Webflow Dev


Due to my nondisclosure agreement (NDA), I'm unable to divulge specific details, thus, here's a concise overview of my responsibilities at Modern House Spain


Modern House Spain is a real estate company specializing in contemporary properties in Costa Blanca. The goal was to create a dynamic web platform that not only showcases their unique property portfolio but also facilitates collaboration with real estate agents to promote these properties.

Project Type

B2B Real Estate


April 2022 - February 2023


Website Design & No Code dev


UI/UX Designer & Webflow Dev


Due to my nondisclosure agreement (NDA), I'm unable to divulge specific details, thus, here's a concise overview of my responsibilities at Modern House Spain


Modern House Spain is a real estate company specializing in contemporary properties in Costa Blanca. The goal was to create a dynamic web platform that not only showcases their unique property portfolio but also facilitates collaboration with real estate agents to promote these properties.




UX Research

Real Estate Market Analysis

Market research to understand current trends, real estate agents' preferences and potential clients' expectations.

Strategy Meetings

Collaborated with the Modern House Spain stakeholders to understand their goals, target users and key features they wanted to incorporate.

User Research

Conducted interviews with freelance agents and real estate agencies to understand their needs and frustrations when seeking partnerships with real estate developers.

Visual Design

Visual Identity

Creation of a modern and attractive visual identity that reflects the Modern House Spain brand and appeals to real estate agents.

Specific Page Design

Development of specific pages dedicated to the presentation of partnership opportunities, agent benefits and property portfolio details.

High Fidelity Prototypes

Design of high fidelity prototypes, incorporating visual identity and custom design elements.


No-Code Development

I Used Webflow CMS to create a dynamic content structure for property listings and agent submissions.

Responsive Design

Extensive testing across multiple devices and browsers to ensure consistency.

Integration of Specific Functionalities

incorporation of specific tools for partnership management, such as agent registration forms and customized sections to access proprietary information.

Testing and Launch

Testing and Launch

User Testing

Conducted usability testing with users to gather feedback on the platform’s functionality and design. Iterated on feedback to address any usability issues and improve the overall experience.

Performance test

Ensured fast loading times and smooth performance through optimization techniques such as image compression and efficient code practices.


Monitored initial usage to identify any post-launch issues and promptly addressed them.





The Modern House Spain web platform successfully met its objectives of showcasing properties and facilitating collaboration with real estate agents and agencies.

By leveraging Webflow’s capabilities and prioritizing user experience, I created a dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly platform that serves the needs of both buyers and agents, driving engagement and business growth.

  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Floating Car
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Floating Car
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Floating Car
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Floating Car
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Car